Monday, October 5, 2009

I have the best of intentions!

So, I find my self thanking God each day for giving me such an amazing man to spend my life with. Fortunately for me, he is a man that always likes to be on time (and by on time, I mean at least 20 minutes early), loves to clean and organize, and is always doing little things to show me that he cares. Unfortunately for him, God gave him a wife that is always running out the door at the last second, always planning on getting my life together and becoming the most organized, neat and tidy person you could know (hey...we all have dreams!), and who makes great plans to do little things to show those important people in my life that I care, and somehow never learns that doing it "tomorrow" turns in to not getting it done! I always have the best of intentions, but I am making it my prayer that I can put so much more effort and time into being a person that is always on time, who spends time organizing and tidying up, instead of wasting time searching aimlessly for things I've misplaced, and a person that is quick to do all the things I should to let the important people in my life know how much they mean to me. I better get going for now...I've got a pretty long list of things that I need to get accomplished! Wish me luck!!!